The Resources 2030 Taskforce charged with identifying reforms to secure the future of Australia’s resources sector has met for the first time today.
Minister for Resources and Northern Australia Matt Canavan spoke with Taskforce members at Parliament House, emphasising the need for long-term thinking when considering reforms to the sector.
“The resource sector underpins the Australian economy. It is particularly important in regional Australia, where it creates jobs and new investment in local communities,” Minister Canavan said.
“The work of the Taskforce will focus on ensuring a strong future for the resources sector, both in the areas where we already have a global advantage, and in the development of new minerals and new markets.
“The resource sector is an area in which we can truly lead the world. But we cannot afford to be complacent as new competitors enter the market.
“The expertise of members of the Resources 2030 Taskforce will bring valuable perspective from all parts of the diverse mining, resources and gas sectors.
“We must look beyond current issues and short-term thinking. We need bold, yet attainable, new policies and reforms that will maintain us as a leading mining nation in the long-term.”
The Taskforce will focus on key areas that can attract investment, contribute to regional economic progress, build community support, find new minerals, and ensure that Australia remains competitive and gets best use of its mineral resources before they are exported.
The Taskforce is chaired by Mr Andrew Cripps, the former Queensland Minister for Natural Resources, and will report to Minister Canavan by the end of August 2018.
“Andrew brings a practical understanding of the challenges and opportunities of the resource sector from a state perspective,” Minister Canavan said.
The Australian Government will use the Taskforce's report to develop a Resources Statement in the latter half of 2018.
In addition to those members already announced, the Minister welcomed Adrienne Rourke, General Manager of the Mackay-based Resource Industry Network for her Mining Equipment, Technology and Services (METS) sector perspective.
“It's important to have a strong voice for regional Australia as the Taskforce maps out the next opportunities for resources projects and resources jobs,” Minister Canavan said.
“Adrienne Rourke will speak from experience both as a regional Queenslander, and as someone who understands the important role of small businesses and service industries in the mining sector.”
The Resources 2030 Taskforce members are:
- Mr Andrew Cripps, former Queensland Minister for Natural Resources (Chair)
- Mr Paul Flynn, CEO and Managing Director, Whitehaven Coal
- Mr Mike Henry, President Operations, Minerals Australia, BHP Billiton
- Prof. Marcia Langton, Foundation Chair, Australian Indigenous Studies, Faculty of Medicine, University of Melbourne
- Ms Joyce McCulloch, Mayor, Mount Isa City Council
- Dr Chris Pigram, Chair of the Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Coal Seam Gas and Large Coal Mining Development
- Mr Will Robinson, Managing Director, Encounter Resources Limited
- Ms Adrienne Rourke, General Manager, Resource Industry Network
- Ms Erica Smyth, Chair, NOPSEMA Advisory Board.
More information about the Resources 2030 Taskforce, including terms of reference and members biographies, is available at
Authorised by Senator M. Canavan, Rockhampton