Shorten Must State Labor’s Position on Coal Mining

Bill Shorten must give the Labor party’s full support for the mining industry in Central Queensland.

The first question media should be asking Mr Shorten in Rockhampton today is: “Do you support expansion of Abbot Point and development of Adani’s Carmichael mine?”

He cannot be allowed to duck this issue. Central Queensland needs to know where Labor stands on expansion of coal mining.

When his deputy, Tanya Plibersek, was acting opposition leader over the Christmas break, she was asked directly if she supported further development of the Abbot Point coal shipping terminal. She refused to support it.

Now that he’s back from holidays, Mr Shorten should say exactly what the Labor party’s policy is on Abbot Point, which is symbolic for further development of mining in Queensland.

Development of the Adani Carmichael mine and related port expansion at Abbot Point would create thousands of jobs in Queensland, including Central Queensland, and is vital for the economy and jobs here.

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