Senator Calls for Action Against Greenpeace

Queensland Senator Matt Canavan wants Greenpeace struck from the list of organisations able to receive tax-deductible donations.

“Organisations shouldn't get tax deductions for breaking the law,” Senator Canavan said today. “Greenpeace has repeatedly and blatantly broken the law and often boasts about doing so.

"Greenpeace has also been involved in a highly misleading campaign over the Great Barrier Reef. Their attempts to stop coal mining in Queensland by using the reef as a human shield put thousands of Queensland tourism jobs at risk.

“Thank God the international community saw through their campaign.”

In a letter to Environment Minister Greg Hunt, Senator Canavan has asked him to remove Greenpeace from the register of environmental organisations that receive deductible gift status.

Under the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, registered organisations must have as their principal purpose either:
* protection and enhancement of the natural environment; or
* provision of information or education, or the carrying on of research, about the natural environment.

“Organisations that repeatedly and blatantly break the law do not deserve tax deductible donations and are acting outside the requirements of the Income Tax Assessment Act,” Senator Canavan said.

“Some of Greenpeace's acts have included shutting down coal exports from a Hay Point terminal for two days, blocking train lines, occupying the Lucas Heights nuclear facility, destroying a genetically-modified wheat crop being trialled by CSIRO and encouraging civil disobedience against proposed expansion of the coal industry.

“The organisation's relentless campaign, by promulgating an inaccurate and unfairly negative impression of the health of the Great Barrier Reef, risks doing material and lasting damage to the reputation and economic prospects of Queensland's tourism industry. Greenpeace's actions amount to a treasonous betrayal of the national interest and the Australian taxpayer should no longer be required to support them.

"Just like Boo and Pistol, it's time for Greenpeace to bugger off from Queensland."

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