Financial Sector Reform (Hayne Royal Commission Response - Protecting Consumers (2019 Measures)) Bill 2019

: I rise also to support the Financial Sector Reform (Hayne Royal Commission Response—Protecting Consumers (2019 Measures)) Bill 2019. It's a bill that implements some of the recommendations of the Hayne royal commission. I'd like to firstly pay tribute to some of my former and current Nationals colleagues who played a big role in establishing the Hayne royal commission in the first place, particularly former senators Barry O'Sullivan and John Williams, who were at the forefront of advocating for this commission, and also the member for Wide Bay, Mr Llew O'Brien. Read more

Community Sport Infrastructure Grant Program - Take Note

Well, colleagues, what we've heard today from the Labor Party is a lot of exaggeration, a lot of conjecture and a lot of long bows being drawn but not a lot of evidence and certainly no case based on any evidence. We haven't heard that, because the words that the Labor Party have been using aren't actually from the Auditor-General's report about this project.  Read more

Condolence speech on Australian Bushfires

 I too rise to offer my sincere condolences to all of those Australians that have suffered enormous loss over this terrible and tragic summer period and add my brief words to this statement. These fires have been devastating and tragic for so many. Thirty-three Australians have lost their lives. Read more

Statement on North Queensland Cowboys

 I wish to place a matter on the public record today in relation to a membership I've not previously declared. I currently have a supporters membership with the North Queensland Cowboys. Read more

Supporting jobs in our resources sector

It's now been 201 days since the 18 May federal election, and how good is it that 200 people have been employed at the Adani Carmichael mine site since then? Basically, in those 200 days we've had one person a day get a job at the Adani mine, thanks to the fact that this government stood up for jobs at the election. This government and the Australian people rejected the Labor Party's approach, which was to shut down jobs and shut down our great coal industry. Read more

Strengthening vital infrastructure investments to support Australian families and businesses

There is one role that government can play in our economy, and that is building infrastructure around our country. That's why we are managing the nation's budget carefully. That's why we are making sure we are careful spending other people's money, so that we can spend record amounts of investment in infrastructure to build a better country. That is why we are investing over $100 billion in 130 projects, creating over 80,000 jobs across Australia, and lots of that is happening in South Australia too. Read more

Guaranteeing funding for infrastructure

There's a lot going on in infrastructure in Queensland. It's all part of our more than $100 billion spend—a record spend—on infrastructure. This government is making a record spend on infrastructure. That's supporting more than 80,000 jobs in Australia at the moment, with projects under construction. Read more

Investments in infrastructure better connect our cities and regions

We are getting on with the job of investing in nation-building infrastructure in this country, which helps to boost jobs, cut travel times, make for safer roads and also unlock the enormous potential we have in our nation's regions. We are investing a record amount of more than $100 billion in infrastructure over the next 10 years, as I said in this place last week. Read more

Climate Change Motion

I am a little bit torn on this motion. Part of me would love to spend the next few hours debating this issue. Part of me thinks: let's spend the whole week debating this motion, because this motion fundamentally defines the difference between our two political positions in this place. On that side, there is not a problem in this country that the Labor Party do not think can be fixed through a tax.  Read more

Recent progress to support further development of Australia's critical minerals industry

The demand for our minerals continues to grow enormously, thanks to modern products. There are so many different minerals that make up a smartphone, renewable energy et cetera. Read more



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