I don't come to Canberra to make friends, I come here to fight for our jobs and our livelihoods.
There are lots of Canberra people that want to shut down our cattle, coal, cotton and other industries. Thousands of jobs would be lost if they got their way. Others want to take away our cars or guns.
So when these people are angry with me or the Nationals party, we know that we are doing our job for you.
And, boy have Canberra people been angry with the Nationals party this week. We have had the hide to not just rubber stamp a plan to cut carbon emissions to zero (in "net" terms). This plan would cost thousands of Central Queensland and push up the cost of almost everything.
Net zero is a bad idea for Australia, it will make us weaker as a nation, and I will not support it because I support the jobs in Central Queensland industries.
The world cannot get enough of our coal, cattle and other commodities right now. Prices are at record levels. When you see a coal train pass you on the Capricorn Highway, just remember that it has about $5 million in wealth for our nation. Each train helps pay for around 40 worker's wages in the coal industry. The coal helps put food on the table for families right around Central Queensland.
Our cattle prices have never been this high but the climate zealots want to cull our herd to reduce the emissions that come from the farting and burping of cattle.
There is no need to reduce our production of these products when they are in record demand.
Europe has tried to reach net zero and it has been an absolute disaster. Factories have had to close, lines at petrol stations have formed and, in the ultimate irony, food has run short because of a lack of carbon dioxide! Carbon dioxide is made from natural gas and is essential to refrigerate and transport food.
Because Europe has refused to develop their own gas resources, they are now reliant on an authoritarian Russian regime for their energy needs. Europe can only keep its lights on when Putin agrees.
Signing up to net zero would be the worst deal in history for Australia. People would lose their jobs, we would lose our energy independence and the rest of the world will just keep ignoring their commitments, while we are left to import stuff that we used to make from them. All of this just as the security position in our region goes rapidly goes south.
Last week, China demonstrated the world's first nuclear-capable, hypersonic missile. This missile can hit anywhere in the world from low orbit, and, unlike intercontinental ballistic missiles, they are manoeuvrable allowing them to avoid existing missile defence systems. According to the Financial Times, the missile test “caught US intelligence by surprise.”
China now has space nukes but they can't match us on plans to reach net zero.
Australia has to wake up to this folly of handicapping our country and letting other countries off scot-free. I will keep up the fight for sanity to be restored because I don't come to Canberra for a holiday, I come here to work for you.
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