Federal MPs Back Beef Week Funding Again in 2018

Rockhampton-based federal MPs Michelle Landry and Matt Canavan will urge the Commonwealth Government to fund the Beef Australia expo again in 2018.

In a joint statement today, they said the Government’s $2.75 million direct funding support for Beef Australia 2015 was an enormously cost-effective investment.
“We will be arguing for Federal Government sponsorship again for the next expo in three years’ time,” they said. “Last week’s event injected more than $30 million into the regional economy and no doubt will boost cattle and beef sales in coming years to the tune of tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars extra.
“More than 1,000 foreign delegates attended the event from 55 countries, including 300 from China and 100 from Indonesia, and that is certain to lead to further sales in our important overseas beef and cattle markets. Over 90,000 people attended in total, with 4,500 head from 30 breeds exhibited, and Beef Australia 2015 was an outstanding success.”
Federal Member for Capricornia Michelle Landry said Beef Australia demonstrated that Rockhampton was not only the beef capital of the nation but also one of the world’s most important centres for red meat trade, breeding and innovation.
“This event really showcased our beef industry,” Ms Landry said. “Over 500 trade sites displayed the latest products and expertise available, including Australian genetics and technology. It has exposed local producers to major export markets.
“Beef directly generates $12.5 billion for Australia and it makes an enormous contribution to the national economy. The industry’s prospects have been further enhanced by the extremely favourable Free Trade Agreements this Government has negotiated with Korea, Japan and China. We have opened six new markets for our live animal exports and there are more to come.
“I am looking forward to seeing further substantial policy contribution to cattle producers and other primary producers with the impending release of the Agricultural Competitiveness White Paper.
“I certainly believe Beef Australia should continue to receive funding support from the Commonwealth Government. It represents great value for money.”
In a speech to the Senate this week, Senator Canavan said the spending by Beef Australia visitors in the region was vitally important after thousands of jobs had been lost in the coal-mining industry and Cyclone Marcia had done substantial damage.
“A $32 million injection was great for our economy and highlighted what a terrific investment the government made. I am very proud that this government promised at the last election to invest $2.75 million to help Beef Australia 2015 to be conducted. We were true to that promise and we helped the committee put on such a wonderful event.
“I remember helping the committee achieve that funding commitment and it is a great result for the whole beef industry in Australia. I certainly hope that future governments support future events every three years.”
Senator Canavan added that the Government recognised the value of Beef Australia. Answering a question in the Senate, Senator Nigel Scullion, Minister for Indigenous Affairs, representing the Minister for Agriculture, said the Government has been extremely proud to fulfil its $2.75 million commitment to this “celebration of steak”, saying the success of this event is proof the Coalition is a government committed to supporting initiatives that promote our nation’s clean, green and high quality produce to the world.

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