Bush Experience Readies Canavan for Senate Role

Matthew Canavan said today that a recent experience of working for 2 weeks on a cattle station in the Gulf of Carpentaria will help prepare him for his role as a Queensland Senator based in Rockhampton, starting on July 1. 

"At the very least, I have realised that I will make a better politician than jackeroo! I am going to set up a Senate office in the Beef Capital of Australia come July 1 so its been fantastic to have some experience on a cattle property before I do that" said Senator-elect Canavan.

"Living and working in a remote area gives me a greater knowledge of the rigours of that life, and greater respect for those that go to the frontiers of our nation to help build a better future for Australia.

"Before I went up there I knew I would be spending lots of time with cattle but I didn't realise I would meet so many good, hard working and fun loving people too.

"This experience will help me determine what I should fight for once I am in the Senate. Hopefully my professional experience understanding economics, policy and politics has made me a better fighter."

Mr Canavan worked for two weeks in the stockcamp at Miranda cattle station, a property around 100 kilometres north-east of Normanton and which runs around 50,000 head of cattle. Mr Canavan said there were some similarities between cattle and politicians.

"We all have our particular flight zones. Moving politicians is no different than moving cattle. You just have to put pressure in the right place!

"And, of course, it's always best to stay on the horse, something I failed to do, and something that is still hurting more than a week later!"

Mr Canavan said that the experience has been an invaluable preparation for the Senate and his role representing Queensland, especially regional Queensland interests.

"I grew up in the city but I want to fight to protect the bush because so much of our present wealth is created here and our future will be written here. If I’m going to do that well I need to experience what life is like in a remote area not just read about it in a Henry Lawson story."

29 May 2014

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